Dinosaur Game
We all know that awful moment when our internet connection fails, and we can’t get it to work. At that moment we all wonder, what can we do to get rid of our boredom without moving? And it seems that Google has decided to answer our prayer, by creating a fun dinosaur game, where a T-rex has to jump over cacti, and if it hits one, it’s game over. And today we will answer a few of the most commonly asked questions about the game.
How to play the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game?
It’s pretty simple you first have to open Google chrome either on your laptop, or mobile phone, second, you can either turn off your internet connection or go to chrome://dino. Once you have opened it, you can click on the space bar to get your dinosaur moving and start the game, if you are on your phone, you will have to click on the dinosaur itself to get the game started.
What happens when you get to 99999 in the Dinosaur Game?
We are not saying it’s easily done if done at all. But, once you get the score of 99999 the game will reset back to zero.
Can I play the dinosaur game without going offline?
You certainly can, you just have to open Google chrome, enter this link chrome://dino. And enjoy.
What is the highest score in the dinosaur game?
The highest score possible is 99999 points.
Can you outrun a T-Rex?
Contrary to popular belief, a T-Rex can’t actually outrun humans. T-Rexes are not known for their speed and can only do a brisk walk.
How long does it take to finish the T Rex game?
You probably wouldn’t believe it, but about 17 million years, which is about the same amount of time the T-Rex was alive for. Pretty cool if I say so myself.
T-Rex game versions
There are three versions of the Google dinosaur game, the first one is the “Light” which is the standard version, you can play it at Chromedino.
Second, there is the night or dark version, you can play it at Chromedino black.
Third, there is the color version, and you can play it at Chromedino Color.
T-Rex Run 3D
3d version of google dinosaur game
There is a 3D version of the Dino game, but it doesn’t seem to be developed by Google, and it was published by Sekip Games.
T-Rex game Online without chrome
To sum it up, Google’s dinosaur game is pretty fun, despite its simplicity, it can be addicting. Hours can go by and you won’t even feel it, so intent on jumping over cacti. Google developers have proven their brilliance once again, by giving countless people a way to have fun, instead of focusing on their frustration over disconnected internet service.
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