We are all aware of how complicated it can be to navigate Microsoft Excel, it’s an invaluable tool to our work, but oftentimes it can be frustrating to try to deal with. Today we decided to make your lives a bit easier, by answering a few of your frequently asked questions about navigating Excel.
How to unhide all rows in Excel?
In order to reveal all the rows in excel:
1- Go to the home tab, click on format.
2- Go to the Visibility section, you will then have the option to hide or reveal columns and rows.
3- Select the “unhide rows” option from the list and all the hidden rows in the sheet will be revealed.
How to remove the drop-down list in Excel?
It’s not that complicated, just a few steps.
1- Select the cell that has the drop-down list.
2- Then, click on Data and choose Data validation.
3- In the setting tab, choose clear all, then click okay.
How to unlock an Excel sheet for editing?
You will have to click unprotect sheet in the changes group, which you will find on the Review tab, and if needed you might have to enter a password to unprotect the sheet.
How to go down a line in Excel?
Going down a line actually has a keyboard Shortcut, Clicking on Alt+Enter will move you to the next line, and in order to use this shortcut, just type a text in the cell, and when you want to move down press and hold the Alt key and then press Enter.
How to put a line through text in Excel?
In order to do that:
1- You will have to hover your mouse over the chosen text.
2- Do a right click then choose “Format Cells” from the menu.
3- Then select the “Font” tab.
4- Check the Strikethrough checkbox then click okay.
How to merge two cells in Excel?
In order to merge cells:
1- You need to highlight the cells you want to merge.
2- Click on the arrow that’s next to merge and center.
3- Select “Merge Cells” which will merge both the rows and columns into one cell.
Excel filter function
The filtering options can be easily found in the Sort & Filter command in the Home tab. But if you need to know the steps, you first have to know that in order for your filtering to work properly your sheet has to include a header row identifying the name of each column. Second, you click on the Data tab and select the Filter command, and a drop-down arrow will show up in the header cell of each column. Third, click the drop-down arrow on the column you want to filter, and the filter window will appear. Fourth, you will have to deselect or uncheck the box next to “Select All”, it will deselect all the data. Fifth, you can then check or select the box next to the data you want to filter and click okay. And Viola your data is filtered.
The maximum number of rows in Excel
There is a total of 1,048,576 rows in excel.
How to make every other row shaded in Excel
First, you will need to select the range of cells you want to apply this to, so click on home and select Format as Table. Second, Pick the table style that has an alternating row shading. Third, in order to change the shading to the columns, select the table and click on “design”, and check the “Banded Columns” box instead of the “Banded Rows” box.
While it may be a bit frustrating to navigate Excel we hope to have answered most of the questions you guys had, if you have any more questions leave us a comment and we just might do another article.
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