Google Snake Game
Here we go again with something that seems ordinary but for those who love nostalgia, this for you folks. Google Snake, a game we love and admire. It’s one of the games that help us spending lovely times.
A simple game but exciting, move the snake around with the arrow keys, eat to grow bigger, and avoid hitting your own tail. That game will bring you old memories, feelings, and nostalgia. Just have fun playing this lovely game.
In this article, I’m going to ask some questions that will be interesting for you and help you achieve amazing goals with this game. Let’s find out more together.
Snake Game Modes
- Classic
- Google Snake Twin mode
- Flying fruit
- Google Snake Yin Yang
- Google Snake Key mode
- Cheese
- Endless Map
- Portal
- Brick Wall
- Peaceful
When the snake eats, it grows longer and the game ends once the maximum number of what the snake eats is eaten or the snake hits itself or the border.
Google Snake Twin mode
Every time the snake eats an apple, for example, its head, and tail swap places.
Flying fruit
The apple, for example, moves around the board, bouncing off the border and the body of the snake.
Google Snake Yin Yang
There are two snakes on the board, one that you directly control and the other does the opposite of what the main snake does. the other snake’s color is the opposite of your main snake. It will be game over if you running into the other snake.
Google Snake Key mode
Along with the corresponding lock, a key symbol will appear. The lock block unlocks allowing the snake to collect the banana, for example, hidden behind When the key is collected. It will be a game over if you running into lock blocks.
Your snake will be shown in segments, some of them you can see and the others are not visible. So, your snake can move through them without dying.
Endless Map
There are no walls that can stop you because it endless map. The only way to lose is by hitting the snake itself.
In this mode, two (bananas) are on the board at any given time. When the snake eats one of them, its head will start coming out of the other banana. Also, it can pick any direction. The game ends when bananas can’t spawn anymore. In Portal mode, bananas can’t spawn within a radius of 2 blocks around the snakehead after a banana is eaten. So that, you won’t instantly portal into a location without being able to react. Also, The snake’s moving in Portal mode is slower than its moving in Classic mode.
Brick Wall
At every time your snake eats, a brick wall appears on the map. So, you have to avoid hitting these bricks to keep playing.
Your snake will live forever unless you want to stop the game. Borders will not stop your snake, you can move it into walls and it will come out of the other side. The game ends only when you press a stop button in the top right corner, or when the maximum amount of strawberries are eaten for that level size.
Types of food in Google Snake Game
Apple, watermelon, pumpkin, banana, pineapple, grapes, cherries, carrots, radish, eggplant, strawberry, mushrooms, broccoli, and a fruit bowl.
Questions on Google Snake
Can you pause Google snake?
To control the snake just use arrow keys. Also, to pause the game, I tried Pressing ‘Space’ but doesn’t work. Even, I tried pressing CTRL + (+), and didn’t work either.
What is the Highest record of Google’s Snake Game?
- 252 points are the maximum score to finish the game in regular map size.
- 87 points are the maximum score to finish the game in small map size.
- 502 points are the maximum score to finish the game in big map size.
How do you get a rainbow snake in Google’s snake game?
1- Type Google snake on Google.
2- Press on the start play button.
3- Press on setting ( bottom left ) from the game window.
4- On the 6th row, you’ll find different colors for the snake.
5- Just move them to the left until you find the rainbow snake.
How do you beat Google’s snake game?
1- Practice the Classic Snake Game.
2- Don’t Rush When Playing Snake.
3- Try to keep staying on the Edges of the Snake Game.
4- Zig-Zag Your Way Through the Snake Game.
What happens at the end of the game?
After eating 252 apples in Regular map size, a window pops up and shows your final score with winning music, celebrating your win.
What are the levels of Speed in the game?
Snake referring to normal speed.
Rabbit referring to a faster speed (1/3 as fast).
Turtle referring to a slower speed (1/3 as slow).
How many sizes of the game map you can choose from?
Regular: 17×15
Small: 10×9
Big: 24×21
What are the Colors of snakes in the Game?
Note: in Yin Yang mode, it will be two snakes. So, the color of the 2nd snake shown in parentheses.
Classic Colors
Black (white), green (purple), blue (orange), orange (blue), magenta (pine green), cyan (red), purple (green), red (cyan), yellow (purple-blue), white (black), and rainbow (grey-scale).
Gradient Colors
Black to white (white to black), yellow to green (blue to pink), blue to pink (yellow to green), pink to yellow (green to blue), green to blue (purple to orange), purple to orange (green to blue), and white to black (black to white).
Skins in Yin Yang mode
Pine green, purple-blue, grey-scale, gold to thermal orange, thermal blue to thermal purple, thermal pink to thermal orange, thermal purple to bright orange, thermal blue, strange purple, bright red, thermal green, and thermal green to blue.
Random facts about Google Snake Game
- Red and Cyan in Yin Yang mode are similar to the colors of the Nintendo Switch’s joy-cons.
- A flag being taken out of the ground in Google’s minesweeper has the same animation as a Key mode’s block removal.
- If you haven’t selected the randomized food and choosing a portal mode with 5 food, you will still get multiple foods!
- In both thermal and normal mode, the grey-scale snake will be found.
- Number of apples: 1, 3, or 5
Play Google snake
Snake Game Settings
- Tap the settings icon.
- Choose the prober settings as you prefer.
Hardest settings in snake game
- Ying Yang
- Small Map
- Fast Speed
Easiest settings in snake game
- Open the game setting
- Choose a combinations as in the following picture
This Mode disable walls and you can touch the snake, Try it your self!
To sum up, Google Snake Game is one of my favorite games of all time, a simple game, fun to play, and brings me some good feelings. For sure, I recommend it for you folks to have some fun and bring the challenge. In this article, I hope you enjoyed it and get answers to the questions that in your head.
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