What is website hosting cost?
In this article ” What is website hosting cost”, I will try to answer this question for you.
In the beginning, you may say, I need to launch a website. I have this idea that would change the world into a better place. Let’s do it hurray 🙂
So, what is the reasonable hosting cost per month as a startup website?
Let’s Find out More
There are many things that you should count on when you have a website idea, like the design or the coding, security of the website, domain name, and our guest today, Hosting.
If you are a startup business or an individual who wants to establish a new website, in most cases you have no idea about anything.
The first thing you would do is to go to a programmer, sup dude I need a website, Hmm it would cost you $$. If it’s too expensive for your budget then you would go to someone cheaper. Then after he finishes his design he tells you he would give you a one-year free hosting plan and after that, you would pay a fixed amount of money per year.
Important Questions about Website Hosting Cost
But let’s start this procedure backward.
What if the first thing you need to find out is the hosting coast because it’s the most essential process in your entire operation?
As a software engineer and website developer the first thing I do when any client reaches out to me and ask for a website is this:
Who is your hosting provider?
Most of them have no idea, so I have to explain the difference and the possibilities, and lately, I’m sticking with one hosting provider because it’s a true success partner and I’m going to tell you my recommendation at the end of this article.
The first thing is what is your website?
What programming languages you are using?
Python, Nodejs, Ruby on Rails, PHP, etc?
The second is what is your average visitor’s number per month
and the third would be your assets, images, files, and how you would serve them.
The first variant is the complexity of your app and the dependencies, you can now find a WordPress or Joomla hosting plan in any web hosting provider on the planet but if you have a complex website then you need to search harder.
Secondly, it is the potential growth of your visitor and the ability to scale your website probably.
These would be the main variants when you calculate your cost in order to succeed in your goal.
So, How to estimate your hosting cost and predict your expenses, how much does it cost?
Let’s start with WordPress websites because it’s more common these days. For a WordPress website with less than 1000 visitors/day, the average reasonable cost would be 5$ to 7$ /month. This number will increase to 12$/month once you hit more than 1000 visits/day. That’s for smooth ideal usage and to maintain the speed of your website. Once you hit a large number of visits/day you should consider implementing a load balancer and CDN to reduce the load on your server.
Now, let’s go to the other type of apps, SaaS. It could be written with Python/Ruby on Rails or any other programming language, You should test your app on your localhost first and calculate what’s your minimum resources you need to boot up your application.
For a simple Ruby on Rails application, I would say it would cost something between 5 to 7 USD/Month.
If you are going to implement something like Elasticsearch for example then you would need 1GB RAM for Elasticsearch only, and one for the app that’s equal to 2GB RAM so you would need a VPS with 2GB RAM at least which would cost 10-15 USD/Month.
Who is the best hosting provider?
This a very wrong question because it depends on several things. For instance, do you have any technical knowledge?
If no, then you have to pay a higher wage than a specialist. So, you better learn some new things like how to install Apache on Ubuntu because it makes it a lot easier and reduces the cost.
As long as you understand your needs you will be able to determine which hosting provider would suit your needs.
For example, some would use ASW or Google Cloud. I find it expensive and suits well for cooperations and big business models or for AI. Some others would say GoDaddy is better for needs but it also has some limitations. But I will answer this question as a curtsey for you.
Amre, who do you think is the best web hosting provider?
Linode, I think Linode is the Best Hosting Provider because it’s reasonably economic and gives you high value for a little money.
Finally, you should consider so many factors when you try to estimate your cost on a new website. However, you should be making your budget for something between 5 to 12 USD as a startup for a medium website
That’s all for today, Have fun all of you 🙂
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